CrossFit Rising Sun

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Secrets to Sustaining Workout Motivation and Consistency by Coach JKH

As a gym owner I see this a lot. A new athlete will join our gym. In our initial meeting they discuss some great goals. We get them ready for and eventually into classes. For a couple weeks they attend 5 or 6 classes. Then 4. Then 3. The they are absent for a week. Then back for a couple of days. Absent again…… get the picture. As the novelty and initial fire fades, staying committed to regular workouts becomes a formidable challenge. So, how do you keep the fire burning and stay consistent on your fitness odyssey?

1. Set Clear, Attainable Goals: Start with specific, achievable objectives. Whether it's shedding a few pounds, increasing strength, or mastering a new skill, having tangible targets keeps you focused and motivated. In our gym we have goal setting sessions every 90 days with as many athletes as are willing to come meet wit us. Hint hint…….you should respond when we reach out and schedule these sessions. 😊

2. Find Your Why: Dig deep and discover what motivates you. Why do you want to get fit? Is it for improved health, increased confidence, or simply some aesthetic goals? Understanding your reasons will fortify your determination during moments of doubt.

3. Create a Routine: Consistency breeds results. Design a workout schedule that fits seamlessly into your daily life. Treat exercise as non-negotiable appointment with yourself, just like any other commitment.

4. Mix It Up: Monotony is the enemy of motivation. Keep your workouts fresh and exciting by trying new activities, classes, or workout styles. From CrossFit classes to bodybuilding or yoga, variety not only prevents boredom but also challenges your body in different ways.

5. Find a Workout Buddy: Enlist a friend or family member to join you on your fitness journey. Having a workout partner not only makes exercising more enjoyable but also provides mutual support and accountability.

6. Track Your Progress: Celebrate every milestone, no matter how small. Whether it's lifting heavier weights, running faster, or simply feeling more energized, acknowledging your progress fuels your motivation to keep pushing forward. (Use Wodify to track progress as well as revisit the goals you set in your 90 day goal setting sessions with your coach.)

7. Visualize Success: Picture yourself achieving your fitness goals. Visualization techniques can help solidify your commitment and reinforce your belief in your ability to succeed.

8. Stay Flexible: Life happens, and setbacks are inevitable. Instead of letting them derail your progress, adapt and adjust your approach as needed. Remember, it's not about perfection, but about perseverance. Couldn’t make the 5:30 am class? Well how about 6 pm instead?

9. Reward Yourself: Treat yourself for staying consistent and reaching milestones. Whether it's a new workout outfit, a massage, or some new training shoes, rewards provide positive reinforcement and keep you motivated. Tip: Don’t reward yourself with junk food. The sooner we stop believing we “earned” food/calories from a workout the better off we will be. Food is fuel.

10. Mind Your Mindset: Cultivate a positive attitude towards exercise and embrace the journey, including its challenges and setbacks. Practice self-compassion and BANISH negative self-talk. Remember, you're capable of more than you think.

11. Accountability Tools: Utilize technology to stay on track. Fitness apps, wearable devices, or even social media can help hold you stay accountable by tracking your progress and connecting you with like-minded individuals.

12. Seek Support: Don't hesitate to lean on your support system when you need encouragement or guidance. Whether it's a coach, a mentor, or an online community, surrounding yourself with people who uplift and inspire you can make all the difference.

Staying motivated and consistent with your workouts requires dedication, perseverance, and a little bit of creativity. By setting clear goals, diversifying your routine, and cultivating a positive mindset, you can conquer any obstacle on your fitness journey. Remember, the most significant transformations often happen not in the body but in the mind. In the immortal words of Steve Perry, “Don’t stop believing!” 😎 (Sorry not sorry if you are singing that for the next two hours 😉)

Coach JKH CrossFit Rising Sun East Nashville.