Achieving Your First Strict Pull-Up: A Comprehensive Guide for CrossFitters by Coach JKH

One of the most common goals I hear when I am doing a goal review session with one of the athletes in our gym is the desire to achieve strict pull ups. While it may seem daunting at first, with the right approach and dedication, achieving your first strict pull-up is entirely within reach. Here's a comprehensive guide outlining drills, progressions, and accessory exercises to help you conquer this feat:

1. Build Foundational Strength:

- Start by focusing on building upper body strength through exercises like inverted rows, ring rows, and lat pull-downs. Strengthening the muscles involved in the pull-up motion lays a solid foundation for progress.

2 .Master the Hollow Body Position:

- The hollow body position is essential for maintaining core stability during pull-ups. Practice hollow body holds on the floor and on a pull-up bar to develop the necessary strength and body awareness.

3. Scapular Retraction and Depression Drills:

- Proper scapular engagement is crucial for executing a strict pull-up with proper form. Incorporate scapular pull-ups and scapular retractions (lat activations) into your warm-up routine to activate and strengthen the muscles responsible for stabilizing the shoulder blades.

4. Assisted Pull-Up Variations:

- Use resistance bands or assisted pull-up machines to gradually decrease the amount of assistance as you build strength. Focus on maintaining proper form and control throughout the movement. * These MUST have a progression that can be tracked and made more difficult over time. ie: a lighter band, a lower band position, or more reps. We recommend horizontal banding across J-hooks vs the vertical banded variety.

5. Negatives and Eccentric Training:

- Negative pull-ups involve lowering yourself slowly from the top position of the pull-up. This eccentric phase of the movement helps build strength and control, bringing you closer to performing a full strict pull-up. These may not be sexy , but by God they work!

6. Isometric Holds:

- Incorporate isometric holds at various points of the pull-up motion, such as the top and midpoint positions. These static holds help develop strength and stability in the muscles involved in the pull-up.

7. Accessory Exercises:

- Strengthening the muscles of the back, shoulders, and arms through accessory exercises like banded pull-aparts, face pulls, and bicep curls, and rows can contribute to overall pull-up strength and performance.

8. Consistency and Patience:

- Progressing towards your first strict pull-up takes time and dedication. Stay consistent with your training, gradually increasing intensity and volume while allowing for adequate rest and recovery. We suggest working on these 3 days weekly.

By incorporating these drills, progressions, and accessory exercises into your training routine, you'll be well on your way to achieving your first strict pull-up. Remember to listen to your body, stay patient, and celebrate each step of progress along the way. With persistence and perseverance, you'll conquer this milestone and continue to conquer new skills in your CrossFit journey.

Coach JKH CrossFit Rising Sun East Nashville.

Kyle Hopkins